At a conference in April 2009, I heard author and speaker Diana Butler Bass state that the current period in Christian history is the most like the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries C.E. Of all the strands of that reformation, the radical reformation has always been my favorite, not only because it spawned all of the modern traditions and denominations with which I claim and feel affinity, but also because of the sheer outrageousness of some of the protests against institutional Christianity enacted by the radical reformers and their followers.
Radical Re-reformation will explore how Christianity is again being radically reformed as we speak, to both get closer to the original teachings of Jesus and meet the current and future developments of science and philosophy head-on. Both of these pursuits are vital to the continuing relevance of Jesus’ “way” to those who are seeking a spiritual life and community for themselves, in this 21st century and beyond. Evidence of this new reformation can be found in Christian thought, writings, and communities from the left to the right, from the blue to the red, and from the evangelical to the mainline.
Some writings will be philosophical, combating the prevailing wisdom about Christian spirituality and church with insights ancient, modern, and postmodern. Other writings will examine current events and trends in Christianity through the lens of radical reformation. Still others will merely share thoughts and questions about the future of Christianity to hopefully stimulate discussion. I also hope to share my experiences of radical reformation where I find it, in congregations, worship services, the practices of other faiths, and throughout my own faith explorations.
The emergent church, the mainline exploration of ancient spiritual disciplines, the growing awareness of the insights of non-white, non-male, non-straight, and non-Western Christianities, the growing dialogue between Christians and those of other religions and no religions, and the awakening of interest in spirituality even among those who express no interest or outright disdain for the Christian church all serve as guideposts on this journey amidst the radical reformation of the 21st century.
I’d like to invite you to join me on my journey if you will, pipe up with comments and feedback whenever possible, suggest sources or topics for me to explore, volunteer to share your own voice as a guest or co-author, or simply read along.
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